BRITTA SINN the Alchemist

BRITTA SINN the Alchemist
the driven energy, empowered by sinn from where it all began to the very end


it's a sinn not to

@ Sinnfull sky is the limtd

@ Sinnfull sky is the limtd
Sinnfull ice cream knows no limits, we have already reached over 375 flavors, what ever happens from here we know we keep to our side of the deal as we satisfy our customers desires. Watch this space as we reach the sky.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

the Sinnfull Tuesaday, 11pm

When the moon appears full

In a Sinnfull kind of way

And a few wind-blown plastic buckets stand out

in the lonely dark streets of Wembley square

they shine in a light of the lamps and the moon,

its veiled and dust-filled parking garage

and they float upon the building boom

Britta, with her red hair, walks from

Bucket to bucket to mixture, as she wipes

her face in an old fashioned way, and runs away

into the night with the smoke separating her fingers

and her cigarette coiling close as she walked

down to get rum,

this will complete the raisin mixture

to the faint yellow sheen of the iced cream,

stands here the factory with the passion

it was made as we watch the seepage of late light

closing in,

down through the office window we see the last

gray islands of cloud

Taken from view, and the wind ruffling the moon's ash-colored coat

On the black streets of Sinnfull land.

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